Technical Support Services for the maturation of the operation: “Energy and Technological Upgrading and Management of the Municipal Electric Lighting of the Municipality of Epidaurus

The object of the service is the specialized support of the Municipality of Epidaurus for the maturation of the project “Energy and Technological Upgrading and Management of Municipal Electric Lighting of the Municipality of Epidaurus”, which is to be included in the Jessica programme or in other Operational Programmes of the NSRF.

The support services provided by the Technical Consultant are necessary in order to design and mature the above mentioned operation. These services include:

  • Recording and digital mapping of the entire municipal lighting network (masts, luminaires and their characteristics).
  • Compilation of a detailed description of the physical scope of the action to be developed.
  • Interim Progress Report.
  • Preparation of a Technical File of the Proposed Action.
  • Preparation of other supporting documents (tender documents, specifications, etc.).
  • Maturity assessment report.
  • 01-07-2015

Let s make great
experiences together

415 Vouliagmenis Av. & 2 Ergaton Typou

16346, Ilioupoli


Let s make great
experiences together

415 Vouliagmenis Av. & 2 Ergaton Typou

16346, Ilioupoli
