The object of the service is the specialized support of the Municipality of Fili for the maturation and monitoring of projects funded by National and European funds. The support concerns operations that require specialised expertise in maturation and financing issues that cannot be adequately covered by the existing staff of the Municipality. The consultant will provide support to projects for which the Municipality intends to submit a dossier for funding from either national or European resources during the current programming period of the NSRF 2014-2020. This support will consist of the following:
- Preparation of a draft proposal clearly setting out the proposed actions, objectives and budget per call.
- Maturation of files for funding from National and European funds.
- Preparation of studies for the maturation of files for funding from National and European funds. Excluding technical works studies, such as structural-architectural, topographical, spatial, electromechanical, hydraulic, road construction, etc.
- Preparation of tender documents for the maturation of files for funding from National and European funds.
- Compilation of technical sheets of the OPS for operations funded by the NSRF.
- Support in the management of any digital application (OPS, ESIDES, etc.) related to the procedures for the integration and implementation of NSRF operations.
- 18-11-2018