The object of the service is the provision of technical support consultant services in the context of the action “Actions for integrated waste management in the Municipality of Egaleo” with code O.P.S. 5001708, which will be implemented through five (5) subprojects as follows:
- Subproject 1: Preparatory actions for the maturation of waste management actions in the Municipality of Egaleo, budget 24.800,00 € including VAT 24%.
- Subproject 2: Supply of Biowaste Collection Bins and organic waste composting bins in the framework of a pilot project in the Municipality of Egaleo, budget 167.152,00 € including VAT 24%.
- Subproject 3: Supply of a garbage truck for the transport of biowaste, budget 186.000,00 € including VAT 24%.
- Subproject 4: Publicity and awareness actions in the context of integrated waste management in the Municipality of Egaleo, budget 4.067,20 € including VAT 24%.
- Subproject 5: Provision of technical support consultant services, budget 24.600,00 € including VAT 24%.
The physical scope of the technical support consultant’s services consists of the following groups of tasks:
- Work group 1: Provision of the necessary technical and support activities during the implementation of the operation by a specialised waste management consultant in order to organise and manage the operation appropriately to achieve the objectives set.
The present group of tasks includes actions of assistance and technical support to the municipality of Egaleo on specialized issues, in order for the Municipality to organize and manage in an optimal way the administrative and technical actions that will be required for the smooth and timely progress of the implementation of the project and in particular of sub-project 3.
- Task group 2: Technical assistance to the competent service of the Municipality of Egaleo in the maintenance of the forms of the tender procedures for the works, supplies and studies included in the framework of the action (e.g. tender documents, tender procedure forms, forms for monitoring the execution of the contract/study/supply etc.).
Our company is to provide all the necessary services to the Municipality of Egaleo regarding the collection, maintenance and archiving of the procurement contract forms throughout the entire duration of the subprojects, from the tendering of the subprojects to the acceptance of their physical object by the monitoring and acceptance committee. Moreover, if and when required by the Municipality, our company will give an opinion to the Municipality both on the legality of the procedures followed and on whether the physical object received from the contractors is in accordance with the specifications in the respective contracts and within the time schedule.
- Task group 3: Assistance to the competent department of the Municipality of Egaleo for the submission of reports to the special implementation service of YMEPEPAA in the implementation of the updated manual of procedures for the management capacity of the Municipality for the NSRF 2014- 2020 and the management system of co-funded operations.
Throughout the implementation of the project, our company will provide assistance services during the drafting of reports and letters to the EID YMEPEPAA, will assist the competent department of the Municipality in the drafting and submission to the OPS – ERGORAMA of all the necessary forms required for the monitoring and management of co-funded operations under the new ERP (Project Management System) 2014-2020. These forms concern requests for pre-approvals, sub-project technical sheets, expenditure declaration forms, completion forms, etc.
- Task group 4: Collection of all data necessary for the monitoring of the output and outcome indicators as indicated in the approved Operational Fiche (OP).
- 18-11-2018