The Contractor undertook the implementation of the communication strategy plan followed for the operation in order to inform and raise awareness of the local community regarding the feasibility and benefits of the operation. In particular, our company provided the following services:
- Design and production of a static projection table in a suitable location, at the project site,
- Design and production of a poster to promote the theme,
- Design and Production of 3-fold printed promotion,
- Design and publication of entries in the local press,
- Production and broadcasting of radio messages,
- Mini web site according to the accessibility standard for people with disabilities, WCAG 2.0, with multimedia elements suitable for adding to an existing site, with data, information, instructions etc,
- Applications (and required variations) friendly for use by people with disabilities. Four-page A4 information brochure publicising the implemented interventions and promoting targeted information and awareness-raising of the local community in Braille.
- 27-04-2017