The subject of the contract is the provision of support services to the municipality of Megareon, with the aim of preparing the latter to proceed in the future to the Energy Upgrade, Automation and Management of the Electric Lighting Network of Public Spaces (Street Lighting).The subject of the contract is the provision of support services to the municipality of Megareon, with the aim of preparing the latter to proceed in the future to the Energy Upgrade, Automation and Management of the Electric Lighting Network of Public Spaces (Street Lighting).In particular, in the context of this contract, the viability of each possible financing model will be examined, using specialized software suitable for financial and feasibility analyses. In this software as input data, in addition to the variables defined by each financial model, all the data of the existing situation of the street lighting network (number and type of luminaires, electricity consumption and expenses based on PPC bills, etc.), as they have been recorded in the framework of a previous contract (no. 31146/10.12.2013), will be entered as input data.In conclusion, the feasibility study will answer specific questions concerning:
- whether it is appropriate and cost-effective to enter into such a contract to upgrade the street lighting network, given the variables of each funding model, and past records,
- in the selection of the optimal financial model, but also the most favourable scenario in each financial model; and
- the best financial agreement that will emerge under the contractual obligations with the contractor that will undertake the upgrade of the network.Following the above and after selecting the appropriate financial model and the most favourable scenario, the contractor of this service will prepare the municipality so that the latter can proceed with the tender process, from which the contractor that will undertake the upgrade of the street lighting network will emerge.
In this context, Evolution Projects will perform the following actions:
– Compilation of the Technical Specifications for the new luminaires and for the tele-control and tele-management system.
– Preparation of a Specific Specific Specification Document.
– Preparation of the Specifications for a tender procedure using the borrowing method or the long-term concession method.
– Drafting of the Tender Summary.
– Drafting of the Draft Contract .
– Support in other documents and procedures that will be required for the inclusion of the municipality in the financial model to be decided.
- 16-11-2017