Valuation of Health voucher – Free Access Ticket to Health Care Services

The work of the Evaluation Consultant (EA) concerns the support of EYTYKA for the Evaluation and Assessment of the Act “Health Voucher – Free Access Ticket to Health Care Services” of the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”. The objective of the Evaluation and Assessment of the operation is to provide the competent decision makers with appropriate information, data and assessments on the achievement of the quantitative objectives, the effectiveness and efficiency of the operation, the profile of the beneficiaries and the problems encountered, their satisfaction in order to formulate valid and objective proposals for improvement in the continued implementation of the operation.

Maturation of ICT projects in the Municipality of Glyfada under the technical assistance of MOD S.A.

The object of the Act “Provision of technical support services to the municipality of Glyfada for the maturation of projects in the field of Information and Communication Technologies” is the specialized support of the Municipality of Glyfada for the maturation of Information and Communication Technologies projects (Actions), which are to be included in NSRF Operational Programmes. Specifically, the Municipality of Glyfada will assign, within the framework of the Act, support services to a Technical Consultant for the maturation of four projects in the field of Information and Communication Technologies: The support services provided by the Technical Consultant are necessary in order to plan and mature the above mentioned actions, which will

Submission of the San Stefano Hotel Complex in Benitses of Corfu to the provisions of the Development Law 3299/2004 – Integrated

The subject of the contract was the provision of advice, expertise and any general service, with the aim of monitoring the file, which had already been submitted for funding by KLC III, under the Development Law 3299/2004 and related to the development of a tourism investment on the island of Corfu. Specifically, our company undertook the monitoring of the project, which included the submission of reports and technical reports on the progress of the project, the provision of relevant clarifications – advice, the provision of services – advice in general required for the monitoring of the project in question as well as the settlement of the relevant documents (invoices – pre-forms,

Preparation of Studies, Research and National Reports to support the operation of the Gender Equality Monitoring Mechanism – Monitoring Unit” – SECTION 4: “UNEMPLOYMENT, VULNERABILITY AND GENDER INTEGRITY: IMPACTS OF THE CRISIS ON WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN GREECE

The category of Action 3.1.4 “Strengthening the administrative capacity of the core of the gender equality policy production for the mainstreaming, monitoring and evaluation of equality policies, as well as of the advisory, coordination and monitoring mechanisms of gender equality” of the Administrative Reform OP, with Project-Scope “Organisation of services for the mainstreaming, monitoring and evaluation of equality policies across the whole range of public action” and in particular The Sub-project “Preparation of Studies, Research and National Reports to support the operation of the Gender Equality Monitoring Mechanism – Monitoring Unit”, includes the carrying out of the required studies, surveys and national reports to support the functioning of the Gender Equality

Determination – documentation of unit costs for the Actions “Training of unemployed health professionals in health reform issues (optimization of health units)

The purpose of this expertise is to identify – document the unit costs for the Actions “Training of unemployed health professionals in health reform (optimization of health units) in the eight (8) Convergence Regions” with MIS code 434313, “Training of unemployed health professionals in health reform (optimisation of hospital operations)” in three (3) Convergence Regions under MIS 434314 and “Training of unemployed health professionals in health reform (optimisation of hospital operations)” in two (2) Convergence Regions under MIS 434315 funded by the OP “Human Resources Development 2007-2013”, with funds from Greece and the European Social Fund and will be implemented by the beneficiary Special Implementation Agency of the Health and Social

Preparation of a study for the creation of a digital thematic repository on gender equality issues and the adaptation of the services of the Gender Equality Library to meet the needs of people with disabilities

The aim of the project was the preparation of a study that set the principles, procedures and the framework for the operation of the digital thematic repository of the Gender Equality Library (GEML), so that gender issues can be studied in an environment with modern tools, accessible and open to all. In addition, the study identified the necessary conditions and specifications required to allow the BTIF to support information equality and become fully inclusive for all, providing upgraded services to People with Disabilities (PWD). 31-12-2013

Let s make great
experiences together

415 Vouliagmenis Av. & 2 Ergaton Typou

16346, Ilioupoli


Let s make great
experiences together

415 Vouliagmenis Av. & 2 Ergaton Typou

16346, Ilioupoli
