The object of the service was the preparation of the Triennial Operational Plan of the Municipality of Tripoli. The main purpose of the Operational Plan that was prepared was to define:
- The Strategic Objectives of the new Municipal Authority.
- The priorities and the set of actions in Local Development.
- The organization of the Municipality’s Services and Municipal Enterprises.
- The design of innovative Intermunicipal Actions for the NSRF with emphasis on Water Resources Management and Tourism Development.
- The process of preparing the Operational Programme will be based on:
- In the provisions of par. 4, of article 206, of Law 3463/2006 (Government Gazette 114/A) “Code of Municipalities and Communities”.
- The opinion of the Board of Directors of the KEDKE, No. 27/890/14.3.2007 on the draft ministerial decision and presidential decree on the Operational Programmes.
- In the decision of the Ministry of Public Works and Social Development No. 18883/2007 “Content, structure and method of submission of the Operational Programmes of Local Authorities (LAs) of grade A.
- 07-04-2011