The category of Action 3.1.4 “Strengthening the administrative capacity of the core of the gender equality policy production for the mainstreaming, monitoring and evaluation of equality policies, as well as of the advisory, coordination and monitoring mechanisms of gender equality” of the Administrative Reform OP, with Project-Scope “Organisation of services for the mainstreaming, monitoring and evaluation of equality policies across the whole range of public action” and in particular The Sub-project “Preparation of Studies, Research and National Reports to support the operation of the Gender Equality Monitoring Mechanism – Monitoring Unit”, includes the carrying out of the required studies, surveys and national reports to support the functioning of the Gender Equality Monitoring Mechanism – Gender Monitoring Unit over the project time horizon. In particular, it concerns the preparation of studies and surveys in selected policy areas with a view to:
a) the capture and recording of the existing situation in the selected field,
b) the assessment of the impact of public policies on women and men (gender impact assessment),
(c) formulating the necessary interventions to strengthen gender equality policies across the whole range of public action.
Indicative results of the studies/research will be the definition of the necessary conditions/tools for monitoring and evaluation of policies and the assessment of quantitative and qualitative indicators.
The purpose of the flagship project is to support the establishment and piloting of a Gender Equality Monitoring Mechanism for monitoring the implementation of equality policies across the whole range of public action, within the framework of the General Secretariat for Gender Equality (GSGE) and is part of the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the core gender equality policy production unit. The main functions and main activities of the Gender Equality Monitoring Mechanism are:
- The collection, management, analysis and dissemination of quantitative and qualitative data and indicators that identify the situation and progress of gender equality.
- The evaluation and monitoring of planned and implemented gender mainstreaming policies at all levels.
To support and improve the design and implementation of gender equality policies at all levels, through the dissemination of successful methods and good practices, information, exchange of experience, know-how and information between institutions and officials at national and European level.