The purpose of the project is the development, installation and hosting of the information system for the support of the above General Registry of Social Economy, as well as the purchase of the necessary equipment to support its operation.
The Social Economy Registry is maintained by the Social Economy Registry Department of the Social Protection Directorate of the Minister of Labour and Social Security, which was established by article 14 par. 2 of Law 4019/11. According to Article 14 par. 3 of Law 4019/11, the Department of Social Economy Registry is staffed with six (6) full-time positions, which are structured as follows: four (4) employees of the branch of PE Administration – Finance, one (1) employee of the branch of TE Information Technology and one (1) employee of the branch of DE Administration – Accounting.
The smooth and efficient operation of the Social Economy Registry Service and the facilitation of the work of the interested businesses and other directly or indirectly involved public services and interested citizens makes it imperative to design the information system of the Registry in a way that allows the creation of multiple levels of access. The existing design requires the creation of at least four access levels as follows:
Level 1: this is the highest level of access, which is only available to authorised employees of the Registry service. It allows universal access to the data in the General Registry and the ability to enter, delete or correct data, and allows the monitoring of all historical data entered for each Registry member without the possibility of modification.
Level 2: this level concerns the services directly involved in the implementation of Law 4019/11, specifically it will be available to authorized employees of the Directorates of Public Limited Companies of the Regions. Access to the system will be made by using a code provided by the Registry Keeping Service. The level allows the entry of only data relating to the imposition of financial penalties and the monitoring of all historical data recorded in the General Register in relation to the imposition of Administrative Penalties without the possibility of modification. Depending on the future needs of the administration, this level of access may be assigned to other public services such as the Tax Office, the Magistrate’s Court, etc.
Level 3: this level applies only to members of the Registry. Entry into the system is made using a code generated by the General Registry at the stage of initial registration of the company. The level allows entry only the subsection concerning the member himself, enables the entry of new applications, printing of the Certificates issued by the Registry Service and the monitoring of all the history of the company’s entries without the possibility of modifying them.
Level 4: this is the last level of access which is for the public. Access to the General Registry is free without the use of a password. It enables the monitoring of the basic data of each member (Name, Headquarters, Contact Details, Members of the Management Team, Object of Activity), its annual action plan and report, as well as any sanctions imposed. This level does not allow for the entry or deletion of data.
The object of the project is the implementation of all the functions of the digital register, which will support the basic functions of data – information entry, the execution of control procedures, the modification and deletion of data, the creation of a statistical information base and the printing of certificates.
- 30-03-2014