The present study aims to be a basic tool for solving chronic pathologies in the operation of the Athens Court of First Instance. For the purposes of the study, both the internal and external environment of the Athens Court of First Instance is analysed, examining on the one hand the structures, infrastructure and available resources and on the other hand the general economic, institutional, judicial and technological environment in which it develops its activities. In order to ascertain the actual situation, the available statistics on the court’s docket are used.
Subsequently, the synthetic diagnosis – SWOT analysis is extracted, which demonstrates the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Athens Court of First Instance, while at the same time examining the opportunities and threats to its operation.
Based on the above, the current situation is assessed and the problems concerning the operation of the Athens Court of First Instance and the impact they have on the services provided are formulated.
For the proper and complete design of the proposed solutions, the strategic plan is prepared, outlining the strategic directions and strategic objectives. In this way, the achievement of each objective through the implementation of each solution will be further evaluated.
As a result of the preceding analysis, data processing and a survey of users of the Court of First Instance services, three proposed solutions for the decongestion of the Athens Court of First Instance are formulated. For each proposed solution, the strengths and weaknesses are analysed, while the opportunities for successful implementation and the risks of implementation are highlighted.
Using a specific methodology, a comparative cost-benefit analysis is carried out, evaluating specific criteria for the benefits and requirements of the implementation. Through the cost-benefit study, the most appropriate solution for the decongestion of the Athens Court of First Instance is indicated. This solution has, of course, the greatest possible benefit in comparison with the lowest requirements.
For the proposed solution, through the formulation of general assumptions, specific specifications are indicated, minimum requirements are estimated and a specific action plan and implementation schedule are described.
Finally, the estimated cost of implementing the solution is estimated, which of course can only be approximate, since it depends on various factors, which are described in the study. At the same time, alternative sources of financing for the implementation of the project are proposed.