Digital Knowledge and Innovation Services at TEI of Thessaloniki

The Physical Object of the project is related to the creation of an integrated information system for the management of knowledge and innovation produced or used by the wider community of the TEI of Thessaloniki.

The aim of the project is to link academic research and knowledge to the productive fabric. The aim is to contribute to the wider dissemination and exploitation of products and services based on academic research. It also enables businesses to express their technological needs and to find solutions based on the research activity of the institution.

The act goes hand in hand with a fundamental change in the way companies innovate and create value. Until recently, innovation has relied primarily on the internal technological capabilities of companies and on the protection provided by patents, trademarks and copyrights. However, in the model of open innovation that has dominated since 2000, innovation is increasingly defined by networks of cooperation involving other firms and organisations, business associations, research institutes and universities. The combination of the skills of these actors leads to the creation of new products and services. The development of new products is now seen as a collaborative activity that takes place within these networks, mainly through formal and informal relationships between universities and businesses.

The project will constitute a new infrastructure of the Alexandreio TEI of Thessaloniki, which will aim to link the research produced by the research staff of the School with the productive fabric of the city, but also with organizations outside Greece. The creation of the portal is another effort to strengthen the extroversion of the University.

It is an online platform which presents:

  • Research products and services of TEETH OP members
  • Selected theses (undergraduate and postgraduate) of graduates
  • Technological needs of businesses

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415 Vouliagmenis Av. & 2 Ergaton Typou

16346, Ilioupoli


Let s make great
experiences together

415 Vouliagmenis Av. & 2 Ergaton Typou

16346, Ilioupoli
