Aς δημιουργήσουμε μαζί έναν κόσμο καλύτερο για όλους


Mάθε για εμάς

Στην Evolution Projects δραστηριοποιούμαστε στον τομέα της Πληροφορικής, των Συμβουλευτικών υπηρεσιών και της Επικοινωνίας. H ισότητα είναι βασικό συστατικό της εταιρικής μας κουλτούρας. Εφαρμόζουμε πιστά τις Αρχές Εταιρικής Συμπεριφοράς οι οποίες εκφράζουν τις αξίες και τις πρακτικές μας. Δημιουργούμε ένα ισότιμο περιβάλλον εργασίας στο οποίο οι άνθρωποι μας ξεχωρίζουν για την τεχνογνωσία, την υπευθυνότητα, την διάθεση τους για εξέλιξη και την μεθοδικότητα τους.
Σκοπός μας είναι να δημιουργούμε τις συνθήκες όπου οι άνθρωποι μας διευρύνουν τις γνώσεις τους, εξελίσσουν τις δεξιότητες τους, να αναπτύσσουν νέες ιδέες και να καινοτομούν, να μας εμπνέουν και να τους εμπνέουμε.

Η Ζωή στην Evo

Στην Evolution Projects η ζωή έχει γρήγορο ρυθμό και κάθε μέρα είναι διαφορετική. Κάθε μέρα είναι μια ευκαιρία και μια πρόκληση να μάθουμε κάτι νέο. Δημιουργούμε μοναδικές εμπειρίες για τους πελάτες μας και την κοινωνία. Είμαστε ομάδα και αφοσιωνόμαστε στην κοινή μας προσπάθεια και αυτό κάνει την διαφορά και φέρνει το αποτέλεσμα. Λειτουργούμε με υπευθυνότητα και δημιουργούμε σχέσεις εμπιστοσύνης μεταξύ μας και με τους πελάτες μας. Ενθαρρύνουμε την προσωπική ανάπτυξη και την ισορροπία ανάμεσα στην επαγγελματική και οικογενειακή ζωή.

Χτίσε το μέλλον σου μαζί μας

Σε όποιο στάδιο της καριέρας σου και αν βρίσκεσαι δες τις διαθέσιμες θέσεις εργασίας και διάλεξε αυτή που σου ταιριάζει.

Ανοικτές Θέσεις Εργασίας

The Role

As a Software Engineer in Evolution Projects you will be gathering user requirements, defining system functionality and writing code in various languages, like Python, Javascript and .NET programming languages e.g. C#. Working in an Agile way to build high-quality, innovative and fully performing software that complies with coding standards and technical design and ranges from boutique applications to full grade enterprise solutions.



  • Execute Agile Software development life cycle (SDLC)
  • Develop flowcharts, layouts and documentation to identify requirements and solutions
  • Write well-designed, testable code
  • Produce specifications and determine operational feasibility
  • Integrate software components into a fully functional software system
  • Develop software verification plans and quality assurance procedures
  • Document and maintain software functionality
  • Troubleshoot, debug and upgrade existing systems
  • Deploy programs and evaluate user feedback
  • Comply with project plans and industry standards
  • Ensure software is updated with latest features



Skills & Experience

  • BSc degree in Computer Science, Engineering or relevant field
  • Positions available to varying levels of experience
  • Ability to develop software in one of Python, C#, Javascript or other programming languages
  • Excellent knowledge of relational databases, SQL and ORM technologies
  • Experience developing web applications using at least one popular web framework (React, .Net Core)
  • Proficiency in software engineering version control tools (Git) and trunk based development
  • Document each aspect of a system or application as a reference for future upgrades and maintenance
  • Revisit the development process to fix bugs or address client or consumer concerns
  • Experience designing interactive applications
  • Experience with test-driven development

The Role

As a UI/UX designer you will be creating user interfaces for an apps, websites, or other interactive media servicing digital transformation projects to clients all across Greece. You will be hands-on and involved at every step of the process, collaborating with product managers, and engineers to gather requirements before designing ideas that can be communicated using storyboards, process flows or sitemaps. You will ensure that all elements of the online user experience are optimized for improved usability, usefulness, and exceptional visual design.



  • Gather and evaluate user requirements in collaboration with product managers, engineers and clients
  • Create wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity designs for web and mobile applications.
  • Illustrate design ideas on how sites function and look like to internal teams and key stakeholders
  • Design, build and run A/B testing to collect data on user interactions and continuously enhance elements of the product that meet users’ objectives
  • Implement Designs with Low Code solutions like WordPress
  • Design graphic user interface elements, like menus, tabs and widgets
  • Identify and troubleshoot UX problems (e.g. responsiveness)
  • Conduct layout adjustments based on user feedback
  • Adhere to style standards on fonts, colors and images
  • Keeping up with the most recent advancements in technology and trends in web and mobile UI/UX design
  • Contribute to research that helps solve problems and leads to successful user-centered design decisions.



Skills & Experience

  • Degree in a relevant field such as graphic design, interaction design or computer science
  • Positions available to varying levels of experience
  • Working knowledge of the following technologies and software: WordPress, HTML, CSS
  • Confident working in an Agile environment and being part of a cross-functional team
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Multi-tasking and time-management skills, with the ability to prioritize tasks.
  • Working knowledge of wireframe tools such as Figma and InVision
  • Working knowledge of design software like Adobe Creative Suite

Desired thematic areas of interest:


Project Planning

  • Investigation of funding tools and financing procedures
  • Preperation of studies and tender documents
  • Development of feasibility studies, viability models, and financing procedures through concession contracts
  • Development of studies on targeted advisory topics
  • Preparation and Submission of project funding proposals
  • Management of the Integrated Information System (OPS) of ESPA, RRF, and other funding tool systems
  • Consulting support in the processes of funded projects



Public Procurement Procedures

  • Drafting and submission of public tender offers
  • Management of platforms related to public contracts (ESIDIS, KIMDIS, DIAVGEIA, TED)
  • Public tender offers evaluation
  • Consulting support in public procurement procedures



Private Investments

  • Proposal preparation for participation in funding tools
  • Consulting services to private entities during the implementation of investment plans


Job offered based on experience

(2) Managers/Senior Managers with more than 5 years of experience, in one or more of the above desired areas of interest

(2) Senior Consultants with 1 to 5 years of experience, in one or more of the above desired areas of interest

(2) Associate Consultants with up to 1 year of experience, in one or more of the above desired areas of interest

Starters – Graduates or undergraduates, beginning their professional life with us



  • Degree in Economics/Public Administration/Engineering or other related fields
  • Excellent computer skills, Windows, Office
  • Excellent knowledge of the English language
  • Excellent communication and organizational skills
  • Team collaboration spirit
  • Ability to investigate and resolve issues
  • Creative approach to problem-solving